Friday, March 28, 2008


I am in a state of awe at how awesome and glorious my King is!! He is worth far more than gold and silver! I am so blessed to have a Saviour and Redeemer who has called me by name and I know that I am His!
As I am listening to praise music and just loving Jesus, I am thinking also about various things. One of these things is I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 10 in a week! I can't believe it has been that long, and I am so proud of who she is and who she is becoming. I pray that she will have a true and close relationship with Christ and that she would grow and mature in Him. She is very excited bc she is going to have an ice skating party. Her grandparents bought her a cute ice skating outfit, which she has decided she wants to wear for her party. I thought that was a bit strange at first bc I figured none of her friends would probably do this, but she is the bday girl, and I need to rejoice in who she is! I have realized so much how much I feel God has really given my sweet girl the gift of art. She is so talented and has a lot of artsy thinking, and she does remind me a lot of my mom too! She is also probably one of the sweetest kids and really wants to be everyone's friends. I know that she is in God's hands and I pray Lord that you would continue to hold up my precious daughter. Thank you that she is your child first and that you are guiding her and holding her up in your hands! Thank you that you are the perfect dad, regardless of who her earthly father is and whether he is here or not for her. Thank you for Laile and his desire to be her father. I pray you would help him to love her and see her through your eyes, even in times of drama and just plain being a girl! Thank you that Bryanna can love and forgive her biological dad, even when he hurts her so bad by not being there. I have been really angry and frusterated that he wouldn't take the time to call her more or come see her, even for her birthday when she asked him to come, but I just give it all to you! You know what's best for Bryanna, and maybe that would not have even been a good thing if he had come. Please just continue to protect her precious heart and emotions, and give me wisdom beyond measure with her and her emotions and feelings she deals with. Help me not to put her dad down, but to encourage her in you instead. It amazes me how she can love and forgive him, but I know that is what the Lord would want, and it is better than her growing up hating him bc that is now what she needs to walk in either.
ANyway.. back to my main point which is how amazed I am in what God does and is doing through my children!!

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