Saturday, March 29, 2008

Serenity Now

Has anyone seen the Seinfeld episode where George's dad says "Serenity Now," as if that changes the stress or chaos he's in? Well, I find myself saying that quite often.
I can definitely say Serenity Now.. right now! :)
Peace at last.. not that we have had that much of an eventful day, but one child has been whiny and mopey all day, and the other one has been soo sweet one minute, but clingy and whiney the next.. argh! I have been a bit tired and just blah to add to things, partly because of our dreary weather! We went swimming at the gym after I worked out, but that didn't last too long because Meghan was getting pretty tired. No problem for me bc I was ready to go home and relax a little. Bryanna wanted a little more time, but this should have been a warning to me to just tell her to get out bc she tends to lag behind a lot, and doesn't always get things done as quickly as I would like at times. After we left there was whining of being SOO cold, and needing hot chocolate from Starbucks.. ehemm.. I made hot cider at home instead to save money.. then just lounging and mumbling.. was quite frusterating. I made her go to bed by 8 (usual bed time is 9) and told her she needs to sleep off all the whininess/fatigue/not feeling good/attitude so she is more respectful, reads and cleans her room like she is supposed to be doing. I really think the main thing today was she was very sleepy! So.. they are both in bed earlier than normal and I have a little quiet time!
Wishing my hubby was home.. not sure when he will be bc of his work.. kinda makes things harder bc I miss him, and things just come together and are usually just more complete when he is home. Now I have time to clean, but I am tired too and don't feel like it! Hopefully I will get more done tomorrow. Sooo serenity now! ;0)

Friday, March 28, 2008


I am in a state of awe at how awesome and glorious my King is!! He is worth far more than gold and silver! I am so blessed to have a Saviour and Redeemer who has called me by name and I know that I am His!
As I am listening to praise music and just loving Jesus, I am thinking also about various things. One of these things is I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 10 in a week! I can't believe it has been that long, and I am so proud of who she is and who she is becoming. I pray that she will have a true and close relationship with Christ and that she would grow and mature in Him. She is very excited bc she is going to have an ice skating party. Her grandparents bought her a cute ice skating outfit, which she has decided she wants to wear for her party. I thought that was a bit strange at first bc I figured none of her friends would probably do this, but she is the bday girl, and I need to rejoice in who she is! I have realized so much how much I feel God has really given my sweet girl the gift of art. She is so talented and has a lot of artsy thinking, and she does remind me a lot of my mom too! She is also probably one of the sweetest kids and really wants to be everyone's friends. I know that she is in God's hands and I pray Lord that you would continue to hold up my precious daughter. Thank you that she is your child first and that you are guiding her and holding her up in your hands! Thank you that you are the perfect dad, regardless of who her earthly father is and whether he is here or not for her. Thank you for Laile and his desire to be her father. I pray you would help him to love her and see her through your eyes, even in times of drama and just plain being a girl! Thank you that Bryanna can love and forgive her biological dad, even when he hurts her so bad by not being there. I have been really angry and frusterated that he wouldn't take the time to call her more or come see her, even for her birthday when she asked him to come, but I just give it all to you! You know what's best for Bryanna, and maybe that would not have even been a good thing if he had come. Please just continue to protect her precious heart and emotions, and give me wisdom beyond measure with her and her emotions and feelings she deals with. Help me not to put her dad down, but to encourage her in you instead. It amazes me how she can love and forgive him, but I know that is what the Lord would want, and it is better than her growing up hating him bc that is now what she needs to walk in either.
ANyway.. back to my main point which is how amazed I am in what God does and is doing through my children!!


Lord Jesus,
Thank you that no matter how inadequate I feel, you are adequate and enough for me! Thank you that you are my guide and my help in all areas of my life. Thank you that you are my peace and my hope and that I can trust you with every part of my being! The reason I live is to worship you and I lift you up today and pray that you be glorified in every part of this day! You are worthy of ALL the Glory and Honor and Praise! I Love you Jesus!!! Daddy! Abba Father! You are Righteous and Just! You are so HOLY! Help me to live a life worthy of your calling. You are my strength and my song!
Help me to have peace with where you have placed me in this time in my life. Give me wisdom and love beyond measure with my beautiful children. Thank you for my wonderful blessings! I love to see Bryanna's sweet heart and her love for others. Thank you for her ability to love even and forgive even when others have hurt her. She is such a wonderful friend and I pray you would protect her from all harm and hurt!!! I pray you would help me to rejoice and look at all you have done in my children, and how they grow and learn each day. Help me to have creative ideas on how I can teach them more each day of your love and faithfulness! Give me words of love, comfort and encouragement for them.
Thank you for the blessing of children and help me to step back and just look at them through your eyes and love on them, even in times of turmoil and strife. When I look at them and think about them as you do, things tend to immediately soften and I thank you for that! Thank you for Meghan already showing signs of obedience and all of her sweet love!! She is so loving and I love her hugs and kisses!! Thank you for all the times I can just be amazed at your creation through my children! You are so amazing! Help me to remember all of this when I start to feel bogged down with things I wish I could get done, things I would like to do and things I wish I were better at. You have created me for such a time as this and I pray you would just remind me of this daily and help me to wake up, surrender completely to you and allow you to order my steps as mom, wife and just as your daughter. I love you so much my sweet sweet Jesus and I thank you that I have the freedom to worship you, and just write out all of the things I am feeling right now. You are my king and I pray you would help me to rest in your peace and your guidance! I lift up all of my life to you, my marriage, my husband, my children, and I lay all selfishness and pride at your throne. Teach me your ways that I may walk in your path that you have set before me. I lay everything aside and pray you would show me how to prioritize in every part of my life. Help me to be a better wife and mother. I love you SOOO much!! Praise you my father and King! Help me to be still and know you are God! Praise you Jesus!!!
Love, your daughter

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cancellations, drama and going home

Last week we were supposed to start our trip to Nashville to see my sister and brother and families. We were planning for awhile and really looking forward to this, especially since we hadn't seen them since last July! Megan, my brother's wife was planning to decorate an Easter basket with Bryanna, and had bought one for Meghan too so we could go to an egg hunt at a near by church. We were also going to grill on Easter Sunday! My sister also said she made a neat gift basket for us! So.. we were going to start our trip Tues. night, spend the night in Little Rock, Arkansas to break up the long trip, and then end up in Nashville the next day. My hubby was excited bc he wanted to eat at his favorite sushi restaurant in Memphis, where he used to live for awhile and then maybe go to this neat little river there with the girls.
Laile's last day on call was Tues, and of course things can change with his job in an instant. He was supposed to fly to Fort Worth that afternoon and then drive back. The pilot who was supposed to take his place and fly with the other pilot was flying from Ohio. Laile had a bad feeling bc the weather was so bad, and sure enough, the other pilot's flight was cancelled leaving MY husband to fly to Canada. He was not back until really late on Wed. so we would have to had made the whole trip to TN in one day to make it worth such a long trip. To add to this disappointment, Meghan had started to have fever and we found out she has an ear infection. NO wonder she was screaming at the doc. when she was getting ear wax (3xs mind you) out of her infected ear! Poor thing!! On top of that, mine and Laile's stomachs were really upset, and I think we may have caught something Meghan had the week before. We seem to catch a lot around here and it makes me not want to go anywhere with the baby!! C'est la vie..
So.. instead of going to TN, we decided we could handle the 4.5 hr trip to Tulsa, OK and visit Laile's family and some friends. This was a good test for Meghan, and we realized we will probably have to fly to TN when we go because it was all she could take being in that car towards the end of the trip to Tulsa. It is also hard when you are in a strange place, bed and don't have all the freedom to move and do whatever you want.. esp. for a baby!
The first night we were there we stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and Meghan came out of the bathroom with a kleenex in each hand. They had one of those holders on the side of the counter to easily get one when needed. So.. I had to remover the box from this which did not make her happy, and we had to put trash cans up above where possible so she didnt try to get into them either! Argh.. baby curiosity! We also had to constantly remind Bryanna to pick up her glasses and jewelry and such bc if left around, it would be lost by her sister! That hotel room was pretty small for our family and we needed more room for the baby to play. We tried to go to the indoor pool, but it was not warm enough and Meghan was shivering after a few minutes. We had to cut that short, much to my 9 yr old's dismay.
The next morning we had some good breakfast and let some drama begin.. Bryanna spilled her cranberry juice all over the table! Luckily it didn't get on anyone, but it wasn't too fun to clean up.. ahh.. kids.. seems we all were a bit clumsy though on this trip.
We had the priviledge of staying at my Aunt and Uncle's house Friday and Sat. night while they were out of town. This was great bc we had a King size bed for Laile and I, Bryanna had her own room with a comfy bed, and there was plenty of room for the girls to run around. Also, Meghan loved the dog and birds my uncle has for pets. Daddy took Meghan to play throw the ball for the dog to catch and she had a good time with this. They also have a playground my Uncle built for my cousins when they lived there for awhile with there 3 children (now 4). Meghan enjoyed the teeter totter and the swing especially. This was a great place for us to have, and we didn't have to pay for it so that was a nice savings. We visited some friends and family and had a great time with them. Bryanna and I went to see Horton Hears a Who by ourselves and had some mommy/daughter time. We wanted to do this for her esp. bc she had some prior disappointment over a friend of mine and I wanted to make her feel a little better anyway.
The last night there we were able to stay at the Embassy Suites, per my request! My husband has many reward points since he travels for his work, and so he let me pick and of course this is where I chose. I have never stayed in an Embassy Suites bc we could never afford that growing up for sure! It had another room to it, and a little kitchen so it was really nice with the girls. Meghan had lots of room to run around and Bryanna liked having her own little room. We ate really late that night with a friend, and then decided we would try out the pool for the girls since it was heated and they had a hot tub which I was looking forward to. It was nice, but still a little cold outside of the water so Laile took Meghan up to the room and gave her a bath to warm her up, while Bryanna and I stayed down in the hot tub for just a bit longer. I think she really enjoyed some alone time with me here and there. The next morning we had a great breakfast with made to order waffles and omlets, and then just hung out and relaxed before our journey back home. Meghan was a lot happier on the way home so it was good. We were just really tired of driving and very happy to be home!!
Soo.. that's our excited Easter weekend. Oh.. one more thing.. we went to church with Laile's family on Sunday. It was nice to be with them, but the sermon was all about death! I was thinking, umm.. Jesus is alive.. shouldn't this be a really happy joyful sermon? The even more inetersting thing was that it was supposed to be about hope, and the pastor only mentioned anything about hope at the very end, and not in a very memorable way either. We talked with the family and I guess sometimes it is a bit like this here and there with this pastor. The rest of the service was nice to me adn I enjoyed seeing the lady who signs, and the people who are deaf praising with signs too!
Sorry for such a long blog...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Blame it all on caffeine..

Ok, so I was going to blog around 3 am bc I was not having a good night sleep!! First, I drank a couple cups of coffee at home yesterday morning.. no big deal. Then, I was still tired so I decided to boost my energy with a small iced coffee from McDonalds, which usually makes me pretty awake to do some things, but didn't seem to do too much this time. SO.. was not too hyper or anything like that. We went to dinner with the rents last night and I had 2 cups of regular coffee, which I don't normally do in the evening, or this must have been pretty strong or something. I only did it bc I was cold and apparently wasn't thinking! To add to this, I took Claritin D in the afternoon, which messes with my body and makes me fidgety at night, if I take it too late in the day. SOOO.. needless to say, I could not sleep for anything!!! AND to add to it all, my mind was racing with thoughts, which I guess wasn't too bad bc I did a lot of praying for people, but I also had to deal with the baby getting up about 3xs! I don't know what her issues are lately, but she has been getting up every night since Tues when she had been a bit sick. Don't know if she has a little bug she is getting over or what, but she has been pretty grump on top of things, and some nasty diapers.. I am hoping it is only teething, but praying for wisdom with it all. She seems to feel ok, no fever or anything.. just the diaper thing and really grumpy.. I am trying to figure out how I can adjust her schedule, sleeping and napping too, to see if that may be part of it. Still, I just can't help but wonder if it is more a little sickness.. or maybe that we took the bumper out of her crib so she wakes up a bit afraid bc of the change. I am going to put it back in her crib before tonight, and hope and pray it does the trick! All you who read this.. please keep her in your prayers and pray that she would get over any slight bit of sickness!! :)
Other than my wonderful night last night, things are pretty good here.. My hubby got back last night from a day trip so that was nice to have him home with us. I am hoping he only has day trips the next couple of days so we can leave in good time Tues night for our trip to Nashville and be able to break up the long drive in Arkansas. Otherwise, we would have to leave really late and will be more tired, but whatever we have to do.. also another prayer.. save travel, and really great, awesome, wonderful kids and attitudes!!!!!!!! I am praying for peace over the baby esp. due to all the car time... ANYWAY I am soo excited bc I get to see my lil sis, who I have really grown close to, and who wants to see the girls really bad too!! I also get to see my big bro, and his wife of almost 1 yr.. which is exciting too! She is a great gal and even bought Easter baskets for the girls so we can do an egg hunt. I am very excited! I will also get a night out w/o the kids, which is well overdo!!
Last in my long blog.. I bought some resurrection eggs from Family Christian store that I am excited to play with and teach the girls with! I think it is a neat idea and will give interaction too. Aside from that, I bought my older girl, B a kids Bible, a version that she can understand a little better too, and a devotional book. I am hoping this will encourage her to read the Bible more and grow more and more each day! Plus, now I think I can understand the language better than some in her other one.. part of the reason for the new one too.. couldn't figure out how to explain the meaning of some verses bc I was a bit stumped on a passage I read her one time. ANYWAY... Hope everyone else out there is doing well and has a wonderful time celebrating the life of our Lord Jesus!! Praise the Lord He is ALIVE!!! Jesus is so wonderful and I pray you all experience Him in a deeper and deeper way each day!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Epiphany through self pity

This morning I was pretty upset about my husbands questions of what I was doing. It really wasn't that big a deal, I was at a second hand store, shopping for shoes for the baby. However, I decided to be a smarty by telling him where I was and that I was going to by a whole lot of stuff. I was a bit sarcastic bc I knew he would wonder, but I said it anyway. The conversation proceeded with words of annoyance at me shopping yet once again. I was a bit upset. You see, my hubby has had the priviledge of traveling to Cabbo Mexico, which is just one of many trips in the previous months he has had to a beach. While I have been home with the same ole, kids.. at home.. hot then cold weather.. he has been at the beach. I know this is his job, but he gets a lot of perks. Guess I can't fault him for wanting this profession! ANYWAY.. I was a little peeved and conversed that I didn't know what his deal was bc it was just a pair of shoes (that he knew I was going to look for), and that we had some money for me to get them anyway. He said I was right and he was giving me a hard time. Sometimes I wish he just wouldnt bc it really did hurt my feelings, or maybe I should say my pride..
I felt bad about ranting a bit to the total stranger next to me in the store about how he has it so hard at the beack while Im here and hes complaining about me buying a pair of shoes at a second hand store! It wasn't like I was getting them at full price.. and I didn't even end up finding any anyway! She of course was in agreement with me.. but I remembered something I had just heard in my LG at church last Tues.. that sluring a neighbor includes our hubbys!! ARGH! I felt conviction, yet in spite of this revelation and even asking for forgiveness, I started to rant a little again to a friend I saw next whom I was catching up with. I got all the support I needed, but also made sure to say I really have no right to complain bc he is a great provider and really goes above and beyond..
All this to say.. more conviction.. and revelation.. as I was talking to my friend, who has 3 young children and has a hubby a little more typical, who doesn't really do much to help out, and then complains and wonders what she does all day.. HELLO??!! 3 kids!!! I realized I needed to shut up and thank God first of all for my hubby. Second, instead of being in a state of self pity, as this led me to feel like a bad wife too bc I don't ever seem to get as much done, even with the baby as he can do.. and he cleans fast and a lot, I had to wake up. I just prayed God would really help me to view my role as a stay at home mom, and wife, and that he would help me to desire to get things done more.. and not put other things in front of what I really need to do.
I just sucked it up and cleaned the kitchen, living room, our room, and started a lot of laundry.
I want my husband to feel good when he comes home, and always appreciate me. This was part of my self pity, as I feel I haven't done things to the fullest. I want him to call me blessed. Of course, I want this spiritually first, but I also want him to feel at home and at peace when he does come home from trips. I just had a lot to wake up to, but reminded of, and pray about today.. funny how little comments can cause a lot of thought..
I really had been feeling as if I was spending more than I should lately, and was trying to lighten up a lot on that. This just happened to come at the right time for me to get really offended, even though my husband had no clue what I was feeling. I was able to talk to him about it very light heartedly and we laughed together.

Soo.. other than my "waking up" today, I was able to sleep in more after I took my older one to school bc the baby fell back asleep. That was really nice, as I was feeling the time change, and had taken Nyquil the night before. Good thing the older one said something or I may not have woken up at all!

Meghan was adorable today and I was just so thankful for her and loving on her! She was making little noises that she wanted something when I was washing my hands, and she was moving her hands like she was washing them. It is cute to see how she communicates and that she is learning so much. That was really neat to see her showing me she wanted to wash her hands too!

She also has become attached to her Rag.. a diaper rag.. as her blankie. Her older sister did this too when she was young, and I think it was partly bc she fell asleep with it while nursing a lot. It is kinda nice bc we have an abundance of them so they are easy to wash and replace!

The only other really exciting thing that happened.. hmm.. Meghan peed on my bathroom floor! After her bath, I was letting her be naked for a short time while I put some hair styling stuff to smooth/shape/ do SOMETHING with her hair if poss., and when we were leaving the bathroom, I noticed a wetness at the end of my jeans.. felt her and voila, she had peed! Then she decides to give me the diaper bc now it is time to put it on! I looked and sure enough, there was a little puddle right when you walk in, with a smaller one and a trickle where she started.. had to get a wipe and clean it up. She is a little stinker, and my hubby got a kick out of that story! He thought it was pretty funny!
Well better go nod off for now so I can get up tomorrow!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

**I've been Tagged!**

So I have been tagged for the following survey. And this time I am going to participate!A.The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. B. Each player answers the questions about themselves. C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

What I was doing 10 years ago: Hmm.. well, lets see, I was having a baby.. no wait, she was almost 1 by this point in my life~! I was taking care of my almost 1 yr old baby. :) I was a stay at home mom at this time, trying to find some little here and there jobs I could do from home to make a little extra money. I was also trying to really figure out what to do in my life with a lot of drama going on with my former husband, trying to survive as basically a single mom, and really seeking Christ in everything I was dealing with. This was a time of major growth in my life, as well as a period of happiness with my daughter, and very trying times in my marriage. I was probably also very excited about soon celebrating my daughter's 1st birthday!

5 Things on my To Do List today: Try to get some work done on the computer, eat lunch with my good friend Juli, go to Ny & Co. and get a few new clothes, spend time with the family, and give the baby a bath!

Snacks I Enjoy: Snap Pea Crisps.. from Sprouts.. very yummy!, Chocolate covered pretzels (from Sprouts they are the best), toast, occassionally chips and salsa, but really try to cut back on unhealthy snacks.

Things I would do if I were a Billionare: I always think I would give a ton away, and that would really be my dream. I would love to have money to both take care of my family ie bros and sisters, mom/dad, and to be able to use a lot of it to minister to those who are poor, lost and need help. I really have a heart for the people in Africa, and the Humanitarian effort my parents are involved in, and would love to bless the many children who are homeless and orphans due the many sickness/diseases and tradegies. I would really also like to bless people who really had needs here too. Other than that, it would be nice to have a nice looking and size car, but don't really need anything too expensive, have cute clothes for my girls, and be able to travel with my family. I would love to travel and do some mission work with my family.

3 of my Bad Habits: Being on the computer too much when I need to spend time with my girls.., watching 1 soap opera which I have a hard time breaking, and nit picking sometimes on my hubby when he is doing things the way I like already and I have nothing to worry about! (Love you hubby!)

5 places I have lived: Africa, San Jose CA, Fort Worth TX, Columbia SC, and Tulsa OK (Now reside in Flower Mound TX)

5 Jobs I have had: Sonic (very briefly), BoJangles Chicken.. yumm, J.C. Penneys jewelry dept., in bound telemarketing, and group insurance quoting with 2 diff. companies.

I would like to tag: Lynsey C., Purple Teacup, Mama Mia, and From God in the shower

Pressing on and having strength

Ok so lately I have noticed all my good friends blogging a lot and realized I just don't do it enough. I guess it is partly just bc I end up being on the computer more than I realize checking email and doing a little part time work too. I also get caught up in reading things and then remember I need to get my little booty off and spend time with the family, esp. my girls. That has been a struggle lately because I do notice I get on the computer too much some times and my oldest esp. points it out because she really wants that time with me. I guess it is somewhat an escape for me when I don't want to deal with being a mom sometimes.. is that really harsh?
I know I don't have it that bad so I shoudn't complain.. Lord help me to have a better attitude about what you have placed in my life for your work. My family is my joy and I need to ENjoy them and take that time so it has not all slipped by, regardless of how I am feeling.
Lately it has been a struggle because I really want to work out, but don't have the motivation and often feel tired. Aside from that, I feel like I really need to get some hours in, trying to get leads for a friend I am kinda working part time for, but it is cold calling and really hard to get the desire to call people and try to get them to listen to me. This can really bring me to a stand still and make me want to just sit on the couch sometimes and veg bc I really don't want to do it! I am praying for wisdom whether I should even bother, but my hubby always tries to encourage me, and its great when I actually get someone interested too. The guy I am doing this for also makes me feel I should stick with it, just because he isn't pushy and just wants me to do things as much as I am able. So.. guess I will press on and perservere in this, spending more time off the computer when both the girls are home, and doing my best to 1st make time in prayer and the word, and then exercise where I can..