Friday, April 11, 2008

Potty Training

Ok, so Meghan is only 15 months old, but she has become interested in the potty some, and she indicates to us when she goes to the bathroom, esp #2 bc she wants to be changed immediately! I told her pediatrician this at he last check up, and she thought that was great and told me I should try to introduce her more with a potty chair or something.
I went to Once Upon A Child, a second hand store nearby, to see if they had any potty chairs bc I wasn't sure if I wanted this for her, or if I wanted to get one that goes on top of the potty like we did with my first child. I showed one to her and she tried to get on it backwards first, sticking her foot right in the cup where you go in, and then pulled her foot out and sat down on the now hole in the chair. The pee cup was still on her foot! Oh goodness I thought.. I really felt she may just try to throw it around at this stage so I decided I would forego the potty chair.
Well, I went to Super Target and got her an Elmo potty chair that you sit on top of the toilet instead so we could try it out, and for when she really is ready if not now.
She was SOO excited about this and wanted to take off her clothes and sit on it! We got her all situated and asked if she wanted some water and she said yes. She was just sitting there, drinking her water and Laile and I were shocked bc she started peeing!!! YEAH!!! We were so excited and started clapping for her and cheering her on! She was excited too, and put her cup down so she could clap for herself!
So.. she hasn't done anything else since then, but she loves to sit on the potty. She at least wants to get a piece of toilet paper and wipe herself off, even if she didn't do anything. Sometimes I think she just wants to for the toilet paper so we will have to keep an eye on the whole thing.
ANYWAY.. how exciting! We will see where this leads.. :)


Anonymous said...

That is awesome!! I got a potty for Annie because she was showing some interest too, but now we just use it as a step stool :). I think that she will be my earliest though because the other 2 didn't show signs this early.

Purple Teacup said...

Camden did stuff like too. He was 3 by the time it was all said and done. LOL =)