Monday, April 21, 2008

So in love and Amazed!

I am so in love with my sweet little Meghan!! She is almost 16 months and I can't believe how much she has grown!
I am amazed how God can create such beautiful, loving, sweet and cute babies!!! I just want to kiss her little sweet cheeks all the time!
Things I love:
1) Her crazy hair that I can't seem to tame
2) Her big ole grin when she smiles
3) Her adorable laugh when I tickle her!
4) How well she communicates, even without words yet
5) The cute little gestures and noises she makes
6) How sweet and loving and cuddly she is!!!!

She is so cute to me I just can't stand it sometimes! :) Ok.. so maybe I am a little crazy, but aren't mamma's supposed to be over their little ones?
When Meghan wants to talk on the phone, she now puts her hand over her ear and shakes her head yes, while she makes little noises to let you know. Then she will smile really big when I put the phone to her ear and wave hello with her hand to the person on the other line. Sometimes she will chuckle a little, but she hasn't really started talking yet.
She also loves to ask where things are, or have gone by putting her hands in the air in a questioning motion, and making little sounds as if she is asking "Where did mommy go?" when I leave the room, or when she sees an animal on tv and it is gone, she does it also. Also, she will hear a bird or an airplane and do this as well, looking for it and not knowing where it is.
She likes to shake her finger at her sister and make yelling type grunts at her, as if she is telling her what to do.. she also did this to someone's children who were going off the slide the wrong way, as if she was straightening them out! I thought it was too funny!
I am just so amazed and in love with her, and am so thankful and blessed I can stay at home and enjoy her all the time. The good times definitely outway any trying times I have with her!
I love her little toes and when she wants me to play This little piggy.
Her latest thing at night is to rock in her glider rocker that is in her room, while we look at her prayer book. This has become very special to me too, as it is calm and such a sweet way to spend time with her.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Potty Training

Ok, so Meghan is only 15 months old, but she has become interested in the potty some, and she indicates to us when she goes to the bathroom, esp #2 bc she wants to be changed immediately! I told her pediatrician this at he last check up, and she thought that was great and told me I should try to introduce her more with a potty chair or something.
I went to Once Upon A Child, a second hand store nearby, to see if they had any potty chairs bc I wasn't sure if I wanted this for her, or if I wanted to get one that goes on top of the potty like we did with my first child. I showed one to her and she tried to get on it backwards first, sticking her foot right in the cup where you go in, and then pulled her foot out and sat down on the now hole in the chair. The pee cup was still on her foot! Oh goodness I thought.. I really felt she may just try to throw it around at this stage so I decided I would forego the potty chair.
Well, I went to Super Target and got her an Elmo potty chair that you sit on top of the toilet instead so we could try it out, and for when she really is ready if not now.
She was SOO excited about this and wanted to take off her clothes and sit on it! We got her all situated and asked if she wanted some water and she said yes. She was just sitting there, drinking her water and Laile and I were shocked bc she started peeing!!! YEAH!!! We were so excited and started clapping for her and cheering her on! She was excited too, and put her cup down so she could clap for herself!
So.. she hasn't done anything else since then, but she loves to sit on the potty. She at least wants to get a piece of toilet paper and wipe herself off, even if she didn't do anything. Sometimes I think she just wants to for the toilet paper so we will have to keep an eye on the whole thing.
ANYWAY.. how exciting! We will see where this leads.. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Happy 3 year anniversary baby!!

Three years today I married the most wonderful man ever! We have actually been together now for 6 years, but it doesn't even seem that long! We are still so in love and so comfortable with each other. God knew he was the perfect person for me! If ever there was a "soul mate," I really feel he is mine! He is so loving, kind and patient.

Bryanna, my 10 year old is the reason (and she doesn't let me forget it) that Laile and I started dating. We were going to church in the school building where Laile was a flight instructor, and she would run into his office and play around in him. I mentioned that my daughter was getting me a date, but little did I know that would really happen! We glanced at each other often and finally started to talk a little when we were there on Sundays. I never really experienced butterflies in my stomach with anyone, but found myself just that way whenever I thought he was not going to be at the school! Finally, one day when I felt this way, I saw him coming up from the runway outside. That day he asked me for my digits and put them in his cell phone.

It had a been a long time since I had dated anyone so I was both really nervous, but also excited! He called me the next day right before I started to work out and asked me to dinner on Thursday and I said yes.

First date:

I was running around trying to get ready for Laile to come pick me up for our date. I was really nervous and was hoping he was not going to be one of those people who ask me where I want to go, instead of having it all planned and taking me wherever. When he showed up, he had a rose behind his back that he surprised me with, and after showing him my place, we left for dinner. He took me to a restaurant named McGills in Tulsa, and it was a very romantic setting with dim lighting and a fire place. I felt good that he talked a lot too bc I was chattering like crazy bc I was nervous. (Mind you I know I talk a lot, but this was more than normal.. and it was the 1st date so I wanted to make a good impression too!) It was crazy bc even on the first date, I was talking about having a baby and this and that, that you would never think to talk about with someone you just started to talk to!! But Laile was so interested and even asked questions. It was great how well we got along! The food was great but the company was even better! After we finished, he asked if I liked coffee.. OF COURSE! He took me to Nordaggios, which happened to be owned by a friend of the family, and this was one of my favorite places to go, as was his! A friend from work said we were meant to be if this was the case. ;0)

We had great conversations over coffee and really enjoyed hanging out. I asked him if he wanted to go with me to pick up my daughter, who was almost 4 at the time. He agreed. When we picked Bryanna up, she looked miserable bc she had an allergic reaction to the dog my friend had. Her eyes were all swollen and I felt so bad for her! When we got home, I was hugging on her, and Laile gave me a sweet hug and left. It was a great date!!

The next day, a bunch of people from work told me there was some 3 day rule that the guys doesn't call for 3 days after a date, which I thought was absurd! They warned me in case this happened so I didn't get upset. Luckily for me, he didn't feel this way and he called me that evening! He said he was helping someone move, but I said if he wanted he was welcome to come hang out with Bryanna and I. Shortly after I received a call back to take me up on that offer! We had lots of fun playing with Bryanna and she wanted Laile to dress up like Peter Pan for her 4th bday. He said he would, but luckily Bryanna wasn't down that he didn't actually do that.. kinda thankful for that! ;0)

After this, we were inseparable, and I could not believe how wonderful he was to me! I think it was the day after he hung out with us.. or it might have been after our first date, I came home and found a pink and red rose laying on our doorstep! He left one for Bryanna and I both! It was so sweet! Then, our days of dating were filled with romantic cards and notes left on my car at school, and we had lots of coffee dates and such. He really treated me like a queen, and Bryanna like a little princess. It was more than I could ever imagine!

After a year of dating, I ended up moving to Dallas, TX due to a job change. I figured that this would be a good test to see if Laile truly was the one for me, as this would be long distance, and since he was a pilot I knew there would be times we would not be together if we got married. Things still went very well, though we missed each other while we were apart. It was great through all the years we dated, for us to really get to know each other, and each other's families too.

Three years, January 1st, 2005 Laile proposed to me at Fogo de Châo. I kept wondering if this was the night, but couldn't figure out where the ring might be. We had been eating for awhile when he reached down for a minute. He started talking about various things, and then asked me to marry him! I told him yes, but I don't think he heard me at first bc while I was looking at the ring, he asked if that was a yes. I told him I had said yes, but again yes yes yes! The ring was/is beautiful. He had it hidden in his sock! He knew I wouldn't think to look there! The waitress heard him propose and they gave us a free dessert, with Congratulations written in chocolate sauce around the plate! It was really neat! Though we were stuffed from dinner, we felt obligated to eat it since they gave it to us for free! When we left I called everyone I could to tell them the news! The next day I just went to David's Bridal to check out what they had at their $99 sale, and ended up getting my dress already!

We made plans to get married in Tulsa, on April 2, 2005. - More to come on details later.. baby is crying.

For now, Congratulations to us honey! I love you SOO much and thank God for you everyday! Even though you can't be here right now bc of work, I know there will be many more anniversaries in the future too!

Jesus never changes!

Lately I have had a lot of friends here and there who have just been blah feeling.. even spiritually. Some have just felt they really need to get back to God. I don't really know if it is so much we need to get back to God, as it is that we just need to refocus. I think sometimes we get so caught up in life, and we neglect the most important part.. our relationship with Christ! I find things to go haywire and to be unsettling when I am just living, instead of focusing on Christ and allowing Him to live through me. I find worry, uneasiness and even strife in my family. This is an area I really need to work on.. mainly just having some quiet time to reflect and even just read His word. I know that when I am reading the Word more, esp. throughout the day, I do feel uplifted, peaceful, reflective and I try to focus on Him instead of my own selfishness and pride.
Today, in the midst of some thought on things, I heard some great praise songs. One reminded me that Jesus NEVER changes! He is always the same.. yesterday, today and forever! He knows my coming and my going. He knows when I struggle and when I fight. He knows when I am mad at myself for loosing control and yelling at my kids sometimes, or just being frusterated. But no matter what, He is ALWAYS there if I will just run to him, and he will always be there!
I really think we go through times where we feel God isn't there. Sometimes we may be truly seeking Him and still feel some loneliness. It reminds me of a song to just be still and wait on the Lord. Even in these times we need to reflect and trust that God is still there and in control. I know I need to really seek and pray that God would just show me what it is I need to know.
Thank God that He never changes, even in an ever changing world! Things change in my life constantly, and there are disappointments and things that happen that I could not have anticipated, but the one constant is Christ! I thank God that I can run to Him whenever I want!
The other song that really brought me hope even more was one that a new group Disciple wrote.. that talks of how God has had his eye on me since I was born.. sooo true! It reminds me in Psalms where it talks of Him forming me in my mother's whom, in the inner most being! He knew me before my life even began.. how much more does he know where he wants me to go, and who he wants me to be! That is such an awesome and amazing thing to think about!
The other part told of how God is with us through and after the rain. He will never leave us! Thank God he is always there, not matter what we struggle through!
Be encouraged! Run to Christ!! Fall at His feet and fully surrender all to Him! He loves us SOO much!